Sensory Processing Red Flags

Development of Sensory Processing Skills Red Flags for Referral
- Sleep disturbances, unable to fall asleep or remain sleeping
- Having a hard time calming themselves down appropriately
- Overly upset with change in routine
- Having a difficult time with transitions between activity or location
- Very busy, always on the go, and has very short attention to task
- Often lethargic or low arousal (appears to be tired/slow to respond, all the time, even after a nap)
- Not aware when they get hurt (not crying, startle, or reaction to injury)
- Afraid of swinging/movement activities, does not like to be picked up or be upside down
- Frequently jumping and/or purposely falling to the floor/crashing into things
- Seeking opportunities to fall without regard to his/her safety or that of others
- Appearing to be constantly moving around, even when sitting
- Constantly touching everything they see, including other children
- Hates bath time or grooming such as; tooth brushing, hair brushing, haircuts, having nails trimmed, etc
- Afraid of/aversive to/avoids being messy, or touching different textures such as grass, sand, carpet, paint, playdoh, etc.
- Frequently refuses new food choices
- Showing difficulty learning new activities (motor planning)