Fine Motor Developmental Milestones
- Indwelling thumb no longer present, keeps hands open 50% of the time
- Activates arms on sight of toy
- Uses hands and mouth to explore
- Inspects own hands, clasps hands
- Reaches for toys

- Tracks with eyes 180 degrees vertically and horizontally
- Tracks with eyes without head movement
- Looks at distant objects
- Attempts to pick up small objects
- Uses palmar grasp
- Reaches and grasps objects bilaterally
- Brings hands together, transfers objects between hands
- Bangs objects on table

- Pokes with index finger
- Uses neat pincer grasp (tip of thumb to tip of index finger)
- Grasps crayon with a fist, tries to imitate a scribble
- Puts multiple objects into a container
- Bangs two objects together, claps hands
- Removes both socks

- Points with index finger
- Opens a book independently
- Uses hands cooperatively; one holds, the other manipulates
- Matches and sorts objects
- Scribbles

- Holds crayon with thumb and fingers, imitates lines and circular scribbles
- Stacks a tower of six to eight blocks
- Puts together simple puzzle or shapesorter, circle, square and triangle
- Turns the pages of a book
- Puts tiny objects into a container
- Strings large beads
- Pulls pants down, unbuttons large buttons

- Makes horizontal and vertical lines with crayon
- Pastes on appropriate side
- Imitates building with blocks; bridge and train
- Matches and sorts primary colors
- Removes screw on lid
- Strings beads

- Begins to hold pencil with thumb and two fingers; adult-like grasp
- Snips with scissors
- Dresses self with supervision, help with fasteners
- Uses fork, napkin independently
- Washes and dries hands

- Spreads paste/glue on side of paper and turns over to stick it to another paper
- Puts together simple inset puzzles 4-6 pieces
- Holds paper with one hand while drawing with the other
- Cuts across paper following a straight line
- Folds paper with even edges
- Identifies hot/cold, wet/dry, sticky/smooth/rough, hard/soft by touch
- Spoon feeds without spilling
- Washes and dries hands without assistance
- Puts toothpaste on toothbrush
- Uses buttons, snaps and zippers independently
- Dresses and undresses independently

- Draws picture of person with eight identifiable body parts
- Cuts out small shape with scissors/ square or triangle
- Uses tripod grasp on pencil to draw
- Cuts out picture following the general shape
- Spreads with a knife
- Opens all clothing fasteners

- Draws a picture of at least three objects
- Cuts out complex pictures following the outlines
- Puts together complex/interlocking puzzles
- Identifies look-alike words correctly
- Cuts cloth or thick paper with scissors